No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space as
dark massless forces are needed to balance the WMAP results
1 The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest in deep
space volume x,y,z.
2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux spin x,y inertia
force of about 6.28G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub
3. Electro-static repel about 25G dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are huge + charges.
Planetary negative matter is made of balanced electric charges held apart internally by strong magnetic inertia that also provides an external mass attraction weak force gravity[G].
Fundamental energy contains volumes of 3D photon/magnon vibrating forces. This is the same energy that we receive from the grid which is just low frequency photon/magnon energy moving through a conductor or inside a magnetic conductance material. To generate power we must get the voltage at 90 degrees to the flux current x,y magnoflux area or we will produce quantum virtual power known as VAR's with a Cosine reduction in power. This effect means that real energy appears as electron particle movement but VAR's appear as wave movements so we have an appearance of duality but only magnons can move at the speed of light not electrons. Gluons also need to be studied more carefully for the way magnoflux spin effect rotates them up or down.
Power= V x √i2 x Cos ϴ a 3D volume of magnoflux spinning stuff per second.
OR = ∑ n h f Cos ϴ per second 50 or 60 cycles mostly for domestic power

^CDM model assumes that mass attraction force G is only force in the universe but we know that galaxies are magnetised and we can postulate that they are also polarised. WMAP results found that the universe is being pushed apart by a dark energy force that was 25 times stronger than gravity G as about 95% of necessary matter was missing. Now if stars were polarised with a positive surface charge then as like charges repel each other we can postulate that the electrostatic force is 25G. Below we show a galaxy which needs a magnetic hub or black hole at its centre around which all its stars rotate.

WMAP also indicated that only 16% of the matter required to balance the solar system could be found meaning that another dark matter force of 6.28G was acting to balance the solar system and rotate the planets using the magnoflux spin effect.

So we can balance WMAP by the electro-magnetic forces acting across space and we can also transmit EM light as at the heart of every photon is a magnon which can be attracted from any and all positively charged stars towards a negatively charged planet, moon or asteroid.
A light magnon of spinning magnoflux leaves a stars surface being attracted outwards by a planet and travels through a tunnel formed by the returning electrons from the planet by tumbling forwards at the set frequency implanted by the star. The photon is balanced both magnetically and polarity wise as shown below in an explanation of the 2 slit experiment.

So we can see the whole universe by the transmission of positively charged starlight targeted towards our planet and we can receive heat and energy from the sun and by Gods will have time to live a full live.. Notice that ordinary high temperature light sources created on earth explode electromagnetic radiation in all directions unlike star/sun light which is directionally targeted
See magnoflux3D experiments on for proof of concept in lockedrotor/transformer, salt cell and CRT videos