Sunday, January 17, 2021



      Quantum theory is not a complete theory as it only details the effect of electro-static and gravity movements of particles but misses out on explaining the electro-magnetic bonding and magnoflux spinning of molecules which causes isotopes to have differing nuclear magnetic moments. 

      Quantum mechanics can also be applied on a galactic scale and explain how light can be transmitted between celestial objects in the vast volume [x,y,z] of empty space at various well defined frequencies depending on their origins once it is understood that deep space is magnetised and polarised the same as particles are.

     At the heart of every photon is a magnon. In order to allow this magnetic photon [magnon] transmission all space needs to be magnetised.    The nickname for magnetised space is aether and Electronic Engineers are well aware that radio waves here on our planet earth need to vibrate through the aether which is possible because the earth has a magnetic field.  Electrical Engineers know that electricity moves at the speed of light and the magnetic energy nicknamed magnoflux can be transmitted through the magnetic core of a transformer as well as inside the spare holes of the outer electron shells of a conductor.  Electricity is a low frequency magnetic photon [magnon] flow inside a conductors aether magnetised spare holes which mimics the quantum aether found in space and can move at the speed of light.  

e  video of electromagnetic induction motor


       So we don’t have to go into space to study the aether; we can do it right here on earth by considering electrical energy not as a flow of electrons but as a flow of quantumised magnoflux photons or a spinning magnetic flux/current field according to Faraday laws.  

 So electrical photon inertia Energy=  ∑ n h f Cos ϴ per second whose frequency is set by the transmitter but normally contains many different frequencies depending on the stars surface conditions. 

It was thought in the old days that light emission was always associated with hot metal multi-directional radiation which caused the filament in a diode valve to emit electrons.  But when transistors arrived it became evident that it was the electro-negative and electro-positivity of 2 different metals across a junction that allowed conductance which had nothing to do with high temperature multi-directional radiation.   
So   Electric   Power= volts x amps x Cos ϴ
should be         Power=   V   x √i2     x  Cos ϴ   a 3D volume of magnoflux spinning stuff.

God created space so we can see all the glorious stars that surround us in the heavens.

      Stars emit  directional light beam pulses of energy which are attracted forward by the voltage in the [z] direction the quantum magnetised area of  flux/current in [x,y] direction must always be balanced and spin which makes it appear to helix forward at right angles to the direction of the voltage Thus, as the electromagnetic vibration enters each flux-amp area sheet in deep space can realign itself at right angles and allow the vibration to tumble straight ahead provided the overall magnoflux spins induced are balanced; giving the area a double dipole twist in the middle as shown below in the 2 slit experiment.

A typical way to produce high frequency electromagnetic vibrational energy here on planet earth is a magnetron which has a vacuum cavity inside and volts, amps and flux all at right angles to each other. Note: there is only one exit down the anode wave guide forming the spinning magnoflux inertia energy  which makes it quantum magnetic light, just like star light as demonstrated by this TV tube video

Quantum-magnoflux energy photons [magnons] can hit and be absorbed into a matter molecule as shown below which will transfer the energy pulse as heat or its PV=RT equivalents.

Clive.jpg (944×847)
This diagram illustrates that a directional photon can be absorbed into an electron shell by turning inside out into a double pyramid shaped volume of magnetic energy.  As the double pyramid always spins the overall effect is to see a spherical molecule.
NOTE  Over excited matter or antimatter can form light by high temperature explosions inside the magnetic electron shell enclosure but this is not directional electromagnetic light but a multi-directional blast or pulse of magnetic photon energy.   Similarly bursts of multi-directional quantum-magnoflux photons are released when matter and anti-matter collide and annihilate 

Below we show Feynman quantum multi-directional light using planetary electron charges; as opposed to true electromagnetic directional voltage driven light. Both can vibrate through the magnetised aether of space.



  However, if the angle of Vz is not 90deg. then a Cosine  reduction in the power transmitted will occur as there will be insufficient volume to contain the power or magnoflux spinning energy as shown below. This results in quantum or virtual power, now nicknamed phantom energy by cosmologists, being produced.

Planetary negative matter is made of balanced electric charges held apart internally by magnetic inertia that also provides an external mass attraction force gravity[G]. Fundamental energy contains a volume of 3D photon/magnon vibrating forces. The 6.28G magnoflux spin effect dark matter force acts in the x,y direction can be accelerated by a 90ᴼ dark energy voltage 25G force in z direction  To balance WMAP results stars have positive antimatter surfaces that repel and expand the universe.


No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space as dark massless forces are needed to balance the WMAP results

1 The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest in deep space volume x,y,z.

2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux spin x,y inertia force of about 6.28G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub

3. Electro-static repel about 25G dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are huge + charges. 

Eulers fomula produces a clear picture of how a magnoflux tunnel is formed and occupied by a string of quantum-magnoflux magnons of light helixing forward inside the tube. 

See magnoflux3D experiments on for proof of concept in lockedrotor/transformer, salt cell  videos 


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